Be Here Now - Part 2

Oct 17, 2023

I knew the time would come.  I'm tired and I am not sure my mind can hold any more information. 


No more concepts.

No more Sanskrit (we have been chanting the Sanskrit alphabet every night - 9 times)

No more philosophy,

No more geometry.

No more drawing or writing or analyzing….


I am very happy. 

I am not complaining.

I am just tired.

And I cannot sit on the floor any more.  Twelve hours a day…sitting on the floor. 

I'm feeling old.


I am also very aware that one week from tomorrow, I will be home. 

Back in my routine. 

This will all feel very far away.

I do not want to lose what I have learned.

I do not want to waste the time I have left. 


I miss my family.

I miss my dog.

I miss my friends, the Colorado fall, being able to go to the grocery store

I miss driving

I miss my bed and my routine.


But I have the rest of my days for all of that.

I need to be here now. 

Now is really all I have - either here or at home.

As Emily Dickinson said, "Forever is composed of nows"


So I guess I can pack a little more in.

I hate sounding whiny

It doesn't fit in such a beautiful space

It doesn't even remotely reflect what an amazing experience this has been. 

So I will stop thinking of what I am missing. 


And remember to be here now. 

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