Friday the 13th

greece travel Oct 13, 2023

It is Friday and we are a little over half way through our training.  It has been a long week and there are so many things floating around in my head, I am not even sure where I would start.  I will say that the Sacred Geometry and synchronicity of numbers has me completely transfixed.  Math supports pretty much everything - music, art, philosophy, science, time, and many of the concepts embedded in nutrition, body type and personality types.  What I have learned this week makes it hard to not see how connected we all are on  many different levels. 


While we are all connected, it is also impossible to deny that we are all individuals with our own energy and personalities.  Below are some of my favorite quotes/concepts from the week.  And because it is Friday the 13th, I thought I would send a short video about numbers and what they mean - especially the number 432.  Fascinating.  Happy Friday and don’t forget to enjoy the eclipse tomorrow!


BTW: The photo for this blog is the math showing how much growth you would have if you simply got 1% better at something every day.  One year  at 1% per day would  give you a 37.7% increase in whatever you were trying to change.  Great motivation for making a small change every day. 


All the Universe is one self and the key to ourselves lies in our own hearts. We are one Self and all connected.


Your own self-realization is the greatest service you can give to the world.  -  Take care of self and you can give back to the world.


Svadharma - "its better to live your own destiny imperfectly that to live someone else's life with perfection".  Bhagavad Gita. Do what is true to YOUR nature. 


To access our true self is simple but not easy.


What we do to others we do to ourselves.



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