
Oct 06, 2023

I am learning so many things here, but by far my favorite is Sacred Geometry.  This portion of the training initially terrified me.  Geometry is the only class in my entire school career that I almost failed.  I loved being a student and getting a "D" in anything just wasn't acceptable.  The very word geometry wants to make me run for the hills. 


Sacred Geometry involves no math at all.  Instead, I learned that the word actually breaks down to:


Geo = God or spirit

Metria = to know or observe in the heart

Geometry =  to know or observe God or Spirit or your own inner knowing


Plato and Aristotle believed we could not understand life without knowing  how to draw.  Without learning sacred geometry. Teaching their apprentices that they could not understand life or larger concepts until they understood the basic "shape" of life. 


The first drawing we learned was the "flower of life".  This replicates cell division in the fetus as it develops in the womb.  Humans start as one cell and when the initial cell has divided into 7 cells and the cells overlap, a flower shape is formed in the middle; the flower of life.  From there you can make all the shapes found in nature, in architecture, in the human body.  When you connect the dots where the overlapping circles intersect, you have triangles that form the Star of David.  The flower of life is inside the Star of David as shapes on top of shapes are formed.  These two  symbols represent the masculine and the feminine layered over and on top of each other (my drawing of this is at the top of this post - amateurish but you get the idea)


I am clearly no expert and grossly oversimplifying the complexity of what we are learning.  But, as I am learning these concepts, they also seem so simple. Nature is amazing.  And learning these ideas reinforces my belief that sometimes we vastly overcomplicate life.  The way Nature intended life to come together IS simple, IF you take it one step at a time.  Or one shape at a time.


A large part of learning this art is starting to see things in different dimensions. Each line is a new perspective.  What looks flat and uninteresting from one angle, becomes three dimensional with the addition of a simple line or a shift of the head.  I stood and walked around what I had drawn and each angle offered something new, IF you expanded your vision.  When you look too closely, all you can see are the shapes on the page. Flat and uninteresting.  When you step back and look at it from a distance, the possibilities of it also expand.  


We will soon move into learning the Golden Spiral and the Fibonacci sequence (which he figured out while watching rabbits breed).   We will end by drawing Metatron's cube.  And a Cuboctahedron also described as the energetic shape of the Universe.  An intricate and complex shape, it is considered the most efficient way to fold something in on itself.  It is believed that the Universe started as a Cuboctahedron which then started unfolding and expanding outward.  It continues to expand. 


Lastly, I love the concepts of:


As above - so below

As without - so within

As in the Universe - so in the soul


We are all one.  And we are individual.  We are all composed of the same physical matter and that matter is formed the same way for all of us.  But our vibration, our energy, is what makes us unique.  Same, but different.  Perhaps if we focus on our sameness, not our differences, we can shift our perspective to be more inclusive of all.   If we can see ourselves in others, we have more compassion and understanding.  We tend to get lost in comparing ourselves to everyone else, leading to judgment and shame.  Of self and others. 


I think William Blake sums up the perspective shift to sameness nicely. 


"To see a world in a grain of sand, and heaven within a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity within an hour."  


It's all about how you see it….


Celebrate the beauty in all of us, we really ARE amazing.  And we are ALL circles and triangles and cubes and energy.  We are all unique gifts.  And we just happen to come in the very similar packages.

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